15 November 2009

Fall and Honeybees

Hi there,

Autumn now has truly arrived here in California:

Our porch is under a tree - this is about 3 days' worth of leaves. You can see the cat thinks it's a nice cushion for lounging around in the sunshine.

Monsieur L. enjoying the sun on his belly fur

Honeybees shawl: I finally gave up on changing the construction (I wanted to make 4 square center panels, with bees and a lily-of-the-valley in each) - when I had two panels done I seamed them together, but did not like the end result. So now I'm actually following the instructions as written, and have finished the bottom faggot border, plus a few rows of the center panel - then on to the central swarm of bees.

Faggot border plus the first few rows of the center stockinette section
I'm also creating my own Personal Footprint (for Insouciant Sock Knitters by Cat Bordhi), because I have a lot of sock yarn stashed and want to make some more socks. Having a foot model will be a great help. I like Cat's Sock Knitting books - very creative.


  1. There are still plenty of altruistic people out there...they just get buried in all the greedy folks. We have another shawl behind it for the same treatment. I hope you will knit it--the more the merrier~!

  2. I'm still working on Orenburg shawls, but Shetlands are next.
